5 things they don't want you to know about property investing by Mark Harvey, Founder, Real Life Group.
Here’s a question for you: is it risky to invest in property, or is it risky to leave your money in the bank? If you’re lucky a bank might pay 2.8% interest on your own money. The average rental return across the UK is between 5-8% - and this is if you do it very poorly so why aren’t you investing in property?
I just want to be real – there’s heaps of people making loads of money in property and they don’t want you getting in on deals. But I want to change people’s lives, which is why I started Real Life Group to help people just like you. Join us and you won't just walk away with real knowledge about becoming a property entrepreneur. You will become a successful property entrepreneur.
In the meantime, here’s 5 things the ‘professionals’ don't want you to know about property investing in the UK.
1. You don’t need money to make money:
It’s BS that you need money to make money. I’m proof - I made my first £6 million using zero of my own money. Joint venture partnerships mean you can invest in property while keeping your own money intact. We can show you how easy this is to do.
2. No decades of experience needed:
Getting into property investing isn’t hard or scary, even if it’s your first time. There are loads of resources out there to help you, like Real Life Group’s YouTube channel and the regular events we hold both online and in real life. Change your mindset and you’ll change your financial future.
3. You don’t need to time the market:
There’s no such thing as wrong timing. Property has been one of the most solid investments in the UK for decades because people will always need somewhere to live. Play the long game and focus on doing your research on up-and-coming areas and finding good deals instead of focusing on timing.
4. You don’t need to know everything before starting:
I didn’t know everything before I started investing in property but I do know this – you’re not going to change your financial future by sitting on the sidelines. If your strategy is waiting, then you don’t have a strategy.Â
5. You don’t have to do it all by yourself:
Former welder Josh Chambers joined Real Life Group on his property entrepreneur journey and discovered the value of having a mentor and supportive network of like-minded people. Josh now has a property portfolio worth £2.5 million and at just 23 years of age, is financially free. You can be the next Josh - Join Real Life Group to start today.